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    aktualisiert 07.10.2015

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Some links to sites which may be of help:




The most important organisation in Munich is "Zentralverein"

One of the largest sites about Homoeopathy, in English, is Hpathy.com

Info about the founder of the so called classic Homoeopathy: Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, a Wikipedia-Link.

Dr. S. Hahnemann
One of the most important teachers of Homoeopathy is Dr. Rajan Sankaran, the founder of the sensation method http://www.rajansankaran.com/images/dr_pic.jpg

Dr. Jan Scholten is another contemporal important Homoeopathy teacher with overwhelming knowledge and new systematic.

List of diseases which may be treated by Homoeopathy


Pages in German:

The Austrian colleague Dr. Retzer, much information about Homoeopathy, Food and more

Info about Luc Montagnier, co-discovering HIVirus and Nobel Price Winner.

See as well Wassergedächtnis, Jaques Beneviste about memory of water.


More useful links:

Link to Homoeopathic Pharmacies in England


If you can't read pdf files, here two links to download programmes:

Foxit-pdf-ReaderFoxit-Reader Adobe pfd-readerAdobe-Reader

Link to a site about H1N1 Swine flu, LMHI

Link to a site about Applied Kinesiology (AK) Icak-a.

Exciting sites about water, from Prof. Pollock, Washington (in English)

A site about Genmais, Roundup, Monsanto-Gifte (in German)

Info about Mr. Snowden and div Spy Service


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